6 Minutes from 127 Hours
See the real Aron Ralston describe/re-enact his own amputation
Although I haven’t seen the movie 127 Hours yet (It’s on the short list), I’m very familiar with the story of Aron Ralston, the hiker who cut off his own arm in order to free himself from the boulder under which said arm was pinned.
The movie looks pretty fantastic. It’s directed by Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire/28 Days Later/Trainspotting), and I read where he used incredibly long takes, sometimes 20 to 30 minutes, to allow James Franco, who’s playing Ralston, to really explore his predicament. He then would go back and cherry pick the best moments from those takes and cut them together, which is IMHO a stroke of real genius. Can’t wait to see it.
I remembered watching Ralston share his story with Tom Brokaw and just how amazing it was. Below is a 6 minute clip where he describes, in detail, his own amputation. It’s very moving.
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